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Youtube Vanced Helper

Package Name:

ver: 18.02.33-youtube


Youtube Vanced is a Youtube client that lets you use this popular video platform for streaming along with some additional features. It is important to keep in mind that these additional features do NOT include downloading videos.

The most interesting part about Youtube Vanced is that it lets you listen to your videos in the background, even when you turn off your smartphone’s screen. That way, you can easily listen to music and even use Youtube to listen to podcasts at any moment.

Another cool feature of Youtube Vanced is that it lets you block all the ads in the videos. Of course, you can activate and deactivate that option at any moment but it’s activated by default.

Youtube Vanced is an alternative Youtube client that lets you listen to videos in the background, block ads, force resolutions, use the ‘repeat the video’ option and much more. All of that from an interface that’s identical to that of the original client


# Date APK Ver 32bit APK 64bit APK APK Download
58 2022-09-05 14:13:28 2.1

1552 2023-05-02 16:22:34 18.02.33-youtube
