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Package Name: com.oasis.arrawdha.patientapp

ver: 23.0.0


A secure, user friendly mobile app designed for patients to access and manage his health record and communicate with healthcare provider.

Secure Patient Registration
Patient can install the mobile app and securely register to the service. After confirming his identity, patient can complete the self-registration process through the mobile app.

Family Health Management
Patient can access and manage the health information of his dependents as well as of his own health record with one single sign on.

Online Appointment Booking
Patient can book and manage his outpatient appointments online, immediately and in real time, 24/7. He can search by physician, specialty, and sub-specialty.

Online Virtual Consultation
The patient can join an online virtual consultation with his physician using scheduled video call and waiting rooms.
Patients can view his recent events along with details of the upcoming scheduled clinic appointments, endoscopies, physiotherapy sessions, laboratory tests, medication refills and planned admissions in chronological order.


# Date APK Ver 32bit APK 64bit APK APK Download
2856 2023-10-17 15:04:36 23.0.0
