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Wajeez - Summaries & Novels

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ver: 2023.9.14


Introducing Wajeez - a massive library of summarised audiobooks, podcasts, and novels in your pocket! Explore global novels, audiobook summaries, and an extensive podcast library that features some of the most popular Arabic podcasts such as: “ الشخصية القوية” Podcast, “ مذكرات جنائية” Podcast, “كنبة السبت” Podcast, “ ساندوتش ورقي” Podcast, “تنفس” Podcast, plus over 4,000 podcast episodes from well-known podcast networks such as Mics and many others!


# Date APK Ver 32bit APK 64bit APK APK Download
2831 2023-10-17 14:15:28 2023.9.14
